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Wave challenge

Characterisation in controlled environments of the biological response of plants subjected to different destructive actions (electromagnetic waves at different frequencies, ...)

Through the Wave Challenge project, the AgroTechnoPôle platform has the means to characterise seedling detection systems and technologies for destruction by Illumination using electromagnetic waves.

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illustration projet
Illustration of the DEFI Ondes project

New regulations requiring the cessation of the use of certain substances that are harmful to the environment (such as glyphosate) have led the SNCF to study alternative methods of weeding its railway lines. This led to a partnership with INRAE TSCF to propose a research project based on the potential of electromagnetic waves to eliminate weeds at a given frequency.

chambre r‚verb‚rante
Mode-shuffling reverberation chamber (dimensions 8.40 m x 6.70 m x 3.50 m 80 MHz - 4 GHz)

For this purpose, the reverberation chamber of our partner Institut Pascal was used to carry out weed control simulations in order to see the potential and impact of this new method.

A device recreating the outdoor environment was reproduced in order to measure the biological effects on the plants to be destroyed as well as the indirect effects on the soil macrofauna and the electromagnetic disturbance of the environment.

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